How to Recertify
All CDs seeking to recertify, must start by completing a Prerequisite Profile.
Before the expiration of current CD status, participants must complete and submit a Course Director Prerequisite Profile and then select and pay for a method to recertify as a CD. Participants can elect to fulfill OPTION 1 or OPTION 2 to recertify and must successfully pass the associated CD examination.
OPTION 1: CD workshop and exam
- Complete the eight-hour CAOHC CD training workshop.
- Complete the on-line examination with a passing score of 80% or higher.
OPTION 2: CD exam only - must have completed two of the following
1. Fulfill at least two of the following items during the five-year credential term:
- Serve as CD (or principal instructor who teaches more than one lecture and serves as a practicum instructor) for a minimum of 10 OHC courses with no substantiated violations of CAOHC policies and procedures.
- Actively participate on a CAOHC committee or task force for at least two full years. Active participation means attendance at scheduled conference calls and contribution to committee projects.
- Accrue a minimum of 10 continuing education contact hours related to occupational hearing conservation.
- Participate as an approved instructor in one or more CAOHC sponsored CD workshops.
2. Complete the on-line examination with a passing score of 80% or higher.
Renewal Extension
- CDs who are unable to renew their credential by their expiration date due to extenuating circumstances may request an extension. Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis and are not to exceed six months after their renewal date. The following guidelines apply to extension requests:
- Requests for extension must be received by CAOHC no later than 30 days in advance of the CDs credential expiration date.
- If granted, CDs may continue to conduct OHC courses during the extension period.
- The recertification date for CDs with extended certification will be five years from the original expiration date.
- CDs who do not request an extension as noted above must apply for reinstatement by completing the same process required for a new CD candidate.
- Requests for extension due to failure to pass the CD examination will not be considered.
Course Directors who are also COHC's
Course Directors wishing to maintain their COHC credential will be required to take an OHC recertification workshop and successfully pass the OHC recertification exam.