CAOHC's History Timeline


Update newsletter is published and launched


The first Hearing Conservation Manual for the use of Occupational Hearing Conservationists (OHC) and Course Directors (CD) is published. The Second Edition is published in 1985. The Third Edition is published in 1993, and the Fourth Edition is published in 2007 (both written by Alice Suter, PhD)


The Amendment to the Noise Standard, which outlines a detailed hearing conservation program (HCP), is published


The Noise Standard is republished, and CAOHC is mentioned as a training resource for producing certified technicians qualified to perform audiometry

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a requirement for Professional Supervisors in the Hearing Conservation Amendment


The Mine Safety and Health Administration recognizes CAOHC certification


CAOHC becomes a member of the Coalition to Protect Workers' Hearing, providing expertise regarding OSHA 29 CFR 1904.10(b)(7) and advocating a separate column on the OSHA Form 300


CAOHC develops a scope of practice statement for the PS of the audiometric monitoring portion of a HCP


Certification of OHCs is mandated

The OHC certification and recertification curriculum is revised, and guidelines for a practicum on hearing protection are developed

The PS of the Audiometric Monitoring Program of an HCP course is improved

Professional Supervisor Course is launched at American Academy of Audiology, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and American Association of Occupational Health Nurses meetings


CAOHC Council institutes audiometric and hearing protection fitting guidelines for CDs (OHC Curriculum)


CAOHC completes the first facilitated strategic planning process since 1999


CAOHC conducts a job task analysis of certified OHCs and moves toward a true certificate-based assessment for OHCs


CAOHC and the National Hearing Conservation Association initiate an educational partnership of online educational resources


CAOHC introduces its online Noise Measurement Course


CAOHC celebrates its 40th anniversary on Aug. 4th


The 5th Edition of the Hearing Conservation Manual is published


CAOHC completes a facilitated strategic planning session; the previous one was conducted in 2008

The Workplace Noise: Measurement and Controls video was launched in July


The CAOHC Learning Center is launched for OHC Courses


The Professional Supervisor On-Demand Course is launched on the CAOHC Learning Center in February

On April 17 CAOHC and The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) signed an Alliance agreement establishing a formal relationship to promote worker safety and health in the area of workplace noise exposure

CAOHC celebrates its 50th anniversary

The Hearing Conservation Manager Course is launched on the CAOHC Learning Center in November


The Employer Resources Section on the CAOHC website is created to help employers navigate hearing conservation.


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