Remembering Rena Glaser, CAOHC Chair 1992-1993

Remembering Rena Glaser

Previous Board member and Chair, Rena Glaser, passed away in January 2025. Rena had a distinguished career as an audiologist specializing in hearing conservation and occupational health. She led the 3M hearing conservation program for many years, overseeing the hearing health of more than 10,000 employees.

Rena served on the CAOHC board for many years and led as Chair 1992-1993. She was also Chair of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA) first and longstanding committee for development of evidence-based occupational hearing conservation practice polices. Rena was active with the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA), serving on committees, as newsletter editor, and holding officer positions including President 1984-1986. In 1992, she was honored with the NHCA Michael B. Threadgill Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service.

Through her work with CAOHC, ASHA, and NHCA, Rena contributed to many educational workshops and served on multi-organizational coalitions providing input to federal OSHA, MSHA and EPA proposed regulations through oral and written testimony . She uniquely fostered collaborative interactions between and among diverse professional associations to harmonize and accelerate policy development and advocacy initiatives.  

Rena will be remembered warmly for her tenacity and wit, her spirited laugh, and her willingness to generously mentor anyone with an interest in hearing loss prevention.

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