Current Council

The CAOHC leadership, otherwise known as the Council, consists of two representatives from each of the following Component Professional Organizations (CPO).

American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN)
The American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Inc. (AAOHN) is the primary association for the largest group of health care professionals serving the workplace.

2920 Brandywine Road, Suite 100 | Atlanta, GA 30341-5539
Phone: 770/455-7757 | Fax: 770/455-7271 | Website:

Council Vice Chair - Credentialing

Term 1: Spring 2015-Spring 2020.
Term 2: Spring 2020-Spring 2026.

Mindy Guillory BSN, RN, COHN-S/CM, CEAP, SAP

Term 1: Fall 2023-Fall 2028.

American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
The American Academy of Audiology (AAA) is the world's largest professional organization of, by, and for audiologists. The active membership of more than 10,000 is dedicated to providing quality hearing care services through professional development, education, research, and increased public awareness of hearing and balance disorders.

11730 Plaza American Drive, Suite 300 | Reston, VA 20190-4798
Phone: 800/AAA-2336 | Fax: 703/790-8631 | Website:

Laurie L. Wells, AuD FAAA CPS/A

Theresa H. Small, AuD CPS/A

Term 1: Fall 2019-Fall 2025.

Frank Wartinger, Au.D.

Term 1: Spring 2023-Spring 2028.


American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS)
The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) is the world's largest organization representing specialists who treat the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. The Academy represents more than 12,000 otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeons who diagnose and treat disorders of those areas. The medical disorders treated by our physicians are among the most common that afflict all Americans, young and old. They include chronic ear infection, sinusitis, snoring and sleep apnea, hearing loss, allergies and hay fever, swallowing disorders, nosebleeds, hoarseness, dizziness, and head and neck cancer.

1 Prince Street | Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703/836-4444 | Fax: 703/836-5100 | Website:

Carlos R. Esquivel, MD FACS FAAOA

Anthony Tolisano, MD

Term 1: Spring 2023-Spring 2028.

Carlos R. Esquivel, MD FACS FAAOA

Term 1: Spring 2018-Spring 2024.
Term 2: Spring 2024-Spring 2028.


American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
Founded in 1916, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) is the nation's largest medical society dedicated to promoting the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, research, and education. A dynamic group of physicians encompassing specialists in a variety of medical practices is united via the College to develop positions and policies on vital issues relevant to the practice of preventive medicine both within and outside of the workplace.

25 NW Point Boulevard #700 | Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1030 Phone: 847/818-1800 | Fax: 847/818-9266 | Website:

Amir Wolfe, MD, MPH, MBA
Council Vice Chair – Standards and Advocacy

Term 1: Fall 2019-Fall 2025.

Michael J. Levine, MD, MPH, FACOEM

Term 1: Fall 2024-Fall 2029.


American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
The American Industrial Hygiene Association® (AIHA) is one of the largest international associations serving the needs of occupational and environmental health and safety professionals practicing industrial hygiene in industry, government, labor, academic institutions, and independent organizations.

3141 Fairview Pike Dr., Suite 777 | Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone: 703/849-8888 | Fax: 703/207-3561 | Website:

Benjamin Roberts MPH, PhD, CIH

Term 1: Fall 2022-Fall 2027. 

David C. Roskelley, MSPH, CIH, CSP, FAIHA

Term 1: Fall 2024-Fall 2029. 


The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)
Founded in 1911, American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) is the oldest and largest professional safety organization. ASSP's, more than 32,000, members manage, supervise and consult on safety, health, and environmental issues in industry, insurance, government and education.

1800 E Oakton Street | Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: 847/699-2929 | Fax: 847/768-3434 | Website:

Matthew Wright, MPH, CIH, CSP

Term 1: Fall 2021-Fall 2026. 

Saundra Harris, MS, CIH, CSP, CIT, STSC, AINS, ARM

Term 1: Spring 2022-Spring 2027.


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the professional, scientific, and credentialing association for 135,000 members and affiliates who are speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists in the United States and internationally.

 2200 Research Boulevard | Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: 888/321-ASHA | Fax: 301/571-0457 | Website:

Kirsten R. McCall, Au.D., CCC-A, CPS/A
Chair of OHC/CD Committee

Term 1: Fall 2021-Fall 2026.

Carol Snyderwine, MHA MA CCC-A CPS/A
Council Vice Chair - Education, Chair of PS Committee

Term 1: Fall 2016-Fall 2022. Term 2: Fall 2022-Fall 2027.


Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE)
The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE/USA) is a non-profit professional organization incorporated in Washington, DC. A primary purpose of the Institute is to promote engineering solutions to environmental, product, machinery, industrial and other noise problems. INCE/USA is a Member Society of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, an international consortium of organizations with interests in acoustics and noise control.

ISU - College of Engineering | 212 Marston Hall | Ames, IA 50011-2353 Phone: 515/294-6142 | Fax: 515/294-9273 | Website:
Kimberly Riegel, PhD

Terry Tyson, P.E., INCE Bd. Cert.

Term 1: Spring 2023-Spring 2028.

David M. Jones, P.E., INCE Bd. Cert.
Council Vice Chair - Finance, Chair of NOISE Committee

Term 1: Spring 2020-Spring 2026.


Military Audiology Association (MAA)
The Military Audiology Association (MAA) provides cost-effective hearing health care through state-of-the-art audiological services, including prevention, medical surveillance, education, and research. MAA strategically place military audiologists to support the Fighting Force for success on the modern battlefield. Military audiologists are recognized as primary experts and providers of hearing health care.

National Naval Medical Center | Bldg 9 Room 2556 | 8901 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda MD 20889-5600 | Phone: 301/295-4665 | Website:

LCDR. Jolene Angela Mancini, Au.D. CCC-A, MSC

Term 1: Fall 2024-Fall 2029.

Lt Col Johnny Foster, AuD CCC-A CPS/A

Term 1: Fall 2015-Fall 2020.  Term 2: Fall 2020-Fall 2026. 


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