OHC Course Preparations


  1. Secure a location and date adequate for the training course.
  2. Submit the appropriate course approval application to the CAOHC administrative office at least 15 business days in advance of the proposed course.
    • Certification course applications must specify the course faculty members who are needed to meet CAOHC faculty requirements.
    • Civilian certification and recertification course applications must include the appropriate fee.
  3. Recruit the appropriate faculty.
    • The faculty of the certification course must include a minimum of three different professional disciplines as represented on the CAOHC Council. (See list of CAOHC Component Professional Organizations (CPO) at http://www.caohc.org/about CAOHC). Note: the Course Director’s CPO representation is considered one discipline. The recertification course requires only one professional discipline to be represented on the faculty.
    • Faculty members (other than the CD) do not need to be certified by their respective CPO; however, they must be credentialed or practicing professionals.
    • Any substitutions to the faculty identified on the course approval application should be noted on the course inventory worksheet which is submitted along with the OHC standardized examination materials.
    • Instruction provided by faculty other than the CD may be presented in person or via alternative media, (e.g. pre-recorded video, video teleconference, webinar or CAOHC pre-approved video curriculum).
  4. Recruit appropriate Practicum Assistants
    • All approved courses must have at least one Practicum Assistant for every eight students to assist with the audiometric testing and hearing protection practica.
    • Practicum Assistants may include the course faculty or individuals’ trained and proficient in the practicum topic as determined by the CD.

Course Approval Form

For CAOHC to issue a certificate, a course approval form must be submitted using these guidelines:

  1. At least 15 days prior to the course complete the online OHC Course Approval application.
  2. Submit the application fee.

*Notify the CAOHC administrative office of any changes in content, schedule or speakers when submitting your exam package.

Course Application Fees

  • $50 per course (for the 8- or 20-hour course or combined).
  • Submit the fee with the application using MasterCard, Visa or American Express.
  • U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) fees are usually paid from a central location.
  • Upon course approval, you will receive a course certificate to print and display in your classroom.

Application fees will not be refunded if the course is cancelled; nor are they transferable to another CD or into the next calendar year.

Facility Planning and Supplies

  1. Arrange for the required number of practicum audiometers specified in the CAOHC guidelines for the course (1 audiometer for every 2 students).
  2. Arrange for conference space, food/beverages (if providing) and audio-visual needs.
  3. Order the CAOHC Hearing Conservation Manual, 5th Ed. for each student (optional).
  4. Order Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases of the Ear video curriculum (optional).
  5. Order Workplace Noise: Measurement and Controls video (optional).
  6. Order a Student Study Guide for each student (optional).

Course Registration

  1. Determine course fees and registration criteria for your course.
  2. Create a registration form.
  3. Verify that recertification applicants hold a current CAOHC certification. If the certification has expired by the course date, the applicant must request an extension from the CAOHC administrative office. CAOHC will determine if an extension is granted. If an extension is not granted, the OHC must register for the full course. Click here for the extension request form.

Certification Exam

  1. Review the OHC Standardized Exam ProceduresA PowerPoint is available for download that contains step-by-step instructions about creating a CAOHC account and registering for the exam.

Promote Your Course

  1. You can order mailing labels from the CAOHC website for occupational hearing conservationists (OHCs) who need to recertify (optional).

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