Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationists Online Credential Verification

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Name Certification # State/Province Country Valid Through
José Roberto Guzmán Berrios, MD CPS/A COHC 491044 El Salvador 3/4/2028
José Roberto Guzmán Berrios, MD CPS/A COHC 492172 El Salvador 3/4/2028
Emmanuel Ricardo Jarquin Romero, COHC 515336 El Salvador 12/3/2027
Monica Mayarí Nolasco Velasco, COHC 518103 El Salvador 7/22/2028
Mario Benjamín Suarez Carcamo, MD COHC 502101 El Salvador 4/19/2029
Liza Urbina, COHC 498142 El Salvador 3/10/2028

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